lundi 5 octobre 2015

Always show login form on checkout in woocommerce and JS

The default checkout process enables returning customers to login, but you need to click on a link to make the login form appear.

I need to make it at all times visible (most customers tend to miss it...)

d={init:function(){a(document.body).on("click","a.showlogin",this.show_login_form)},show_login_form:function(){return a("form.login").slideToggle(),!1}};

That's the JS responsible for this behavior, but i'm very bad at JS especially when minimized and it's probably dead simple for someone into JS but i can't seem to shake that one off, i've been at it for over an hour.

If you have any idea how i can make this form visible by default.

Thank you!

via Chebli Mohamed

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